Dr. Amanda Bacchus-Morris’s practice is currently full and not accepting new patients at this time. If you’d like to join her waitlist, please reach out to the office directly at 520.207.7434.


Dr. Amanda Bacchus-Morris’s practice is currently full and not accepting new patients at this time. If you’d like to join her waitlist, please reach out to the office directly at 520.207.7434.


Something to Fear Besides Fear Itself

If you haven’t met Bryan Vartabedian, M.D., it’s time to do so. He’s a pediatric gastroenterologist at Texas Children’s Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine. “I write and think about the convergence of social media and medicine,” he says at www.33charts.com.

In his April 9 blog he writes, “Fear seems to be a universal theme in healthcare. I see it everywhere…Doctors are afraid. Hospital administrators worry. Industry jumps at its own shadow. We fear malpractice, privacy transgressions and issues with federal compliance. Most of us are afraid of new things.  But what we need most is new perspectives and new ways of doing things.”

Less Frustration, More Innovation

Turns out, he’s on the very same page as us here at SignatureMD, the country’s leading concierge healthcare company. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Physicians are frustrated over their inability to influence a future in which they see themselves working harder and harder to make the same or less money—a future in which to even maintain their current position and the status quo, they are forced to see an ever-increasing volume of patients with whom they spend an ever-decreasing amount of time.

A comment posted to Vartabedian’s blog echoes the sentiments of so many in the healthcare community. “I find fear due to limited time as my practice is high volume,” writes a nurse practitioner. “I am always afraid of missing something.”

As healthcare professionals worry about missing something in the examination room, they also worry about missing something else: a fulfilling and balanced life in which personal and professional goals are achieved in a state of harmony and balance. It is possible to “have it all” as a physician delivering personalized medicine the way it was meant to be, with SignatureMD.

When Vartabedian talks about the need for “new perspectives and new ways of doing things,” he’s playing our song and probably yours, too.