Leila C. Morris, MD
Concierge Family Medicine
- Boston University
- Duke University
Leila C. Morris, MD has been practicing medicine in the Coral Springs area since June 2002. She is originally from Providence, Rhode Island, and grew up in Sarasota, Florida. She returned to New England to obtain three degrees from Boston University: Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude with Biology Major/Spanish Minor; Master of Arts in Medical Sciences; and finally, her Medical Degree in 1997. She pursued her Family Medicine Internship and Residency at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, where she served as Chief Resident. After graduation, Dr. Morris joined a group practice in Cary, North Carolina for two years.
Moving back to a much-missed tropical climate, Dr. Morris returned to South Florida in 2002, where she opened a solo practice and has enjoyed seeing primary care patients there ever since. Dr. Morris is married to Richard A. Boswell, a freelance photographer. She has three children: Corinne, Cecilia, and Sean.
She is currently engaged in Continuing Medical Education in the fields of Functional and Nutritional Medicine, Weight Management, and BioIdentical Hormone Replacement.
Her focus is on promoting wellness/preventing disease via a lifestyle modification approach that includes diet, exercise, and nutritional supplementation.