Personalized healthcare that optimizes your well-being

As a member of Dr. Nolan’s Personalized Care Program, you’ll receive benefits that truly can make a difference for the better. His prompt availability, personal attention, and proactive approach to care are the cornerstones on which Dr. Nolan’s SignatureMD program is founded.

Personalized and focused on prevention

By providing personalized attention and focusing on preventative care options designed to help you reach and maintain your best health, Dr. Nolan has broken away from the traditional healthcare model centered on merely treating illnesses. He’ll get to know you personally and spend as much time with you as you need to help you live your healthiest life.

Dr. Nolan’s services

Dr. Nolan provides these services for members of his Personalized Care Program:

Havening Techniques

The Havening Technique is a psycho sensory modality used in the treatment of certain mental health disorders.

Dr. Nolan is certified in the use of Havening Techniques to resolve phobias, improve anxiety and treat post traumatic stress disorder among other issues associated with emotional health.

Recode Protocol

Dr. Nolan is certified in the use of the Recode Protocol. This is a directed way of changing one’s lifestyle, removing inflammatory, toxic or infectious roadblocks and optimizing one’s chemistry such that the brain is able to shift from a process that is diminishing one’s cognition to a process that enhances it.

By following the protocol, one can reverse cognitive decline and prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Hear from Dr. Nolan’s patients

Concierge Doctor Robert B. Nolan, MD, Family Concierge Medicine in Louisville, KY

Take the next step

If you’re interested in learning more about Dr. Nolan’s Personalized Care Program, simply complete the form and we’ll contact you.

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