Dr. David Baskin’s practice is currently full and not accepting new patients at this time. If you’d like to join his waitlist, please contact Miriam at 212.595.7701.


Dr. David Baskin’s practice is currently full and not accepting new patients at this time. If you’d like to join his waitlist, please contact Miriam at 212.595.7701.

Concierge Doctor David H. Baskin, MD, Internal Medicine in New York, NY

David H. Baskin, MD

Concierge Internal Medicine

Dr. Baskin’s practice offers a personalized approach to meet your unique needs and busy schedule. From crafting a personalized healthcare program with you, to accommodating last-minute appointments, your well-being is our priority.

Our concierge care is designed with you in mind

As a member of Dr. Baskin’s practice, you’ll experience a different approach—one that’s centered on you to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Dr. Baskin will be available when you need him, he’ll spend as much time with you as you need, and he’ll help you live your healthiest life.

Concierge Doctor David H. Baskin, MD, Internal Medicine in New York, NY

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If you’re interested in learning more about Dr. Baskin’s Personalized Care Practice, simply complete the form and we’ll contact you.

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