Catherine LaRuffa, MD

A Message from Dr. Catherine LaRuffa

I have practiced medicine here in Blanchester for the past 25 years and during this time I have had the privilege of caring for many of you and your families. It has been such an honor to be your physician and share in your quest for a healthy, active life.

As you know from personal experience, our healthcare system is becoming extremely complex. From my perspective as an experienced physician, the many changes underway in healthcare will continue to affect our relationship and my ability to provide the highest standard of care to you, my patients. After much reflection and soul-searching, I have decided that I do not want to compromise my diligent attention to your individual care.

Therefore, I am going to devote the next phase of my medical career to providing comprehensive care for a smaller group of patients, who want to achieve the best possible health through the next decades of their lives. There is good scientific documentation that preventive medicine and attention to wellness lead to longer, more active and vigorous lives.

I will work diligently with you to continue to make the next segment of your life as healthy as possible. Whether you are in your 30’s, 90’s or anywhere in between, I want you to achieve the best possible health and lifestyle that you can.

I hope that you will join me in this new program for assured, comprehensive healthcare. If you do, you will have my careful and devoted attention to your personal wellness in a less hectic and more personalized medical practice. Every year we will perform an executive style physical to establish your health baseline and medical goals for a wellness program. We will sit down and monitor your progress towards these goals. If you are not making progress, then together we will re-design your program of care, and I will do everything in my power to move you toward these goals. Together, we will strive for a proactive approach to keep you healthy.

I will dedicate my skills and knowledge in Family Medicine to your quest for optimum health and happiness. I hope you will join me on this exciting journey.

Dr. Catherine LaRuffa Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is your motivation Dr. LaRuffa?

A: I have been in medical practice for over 25 years, and it is clear that medicine is changing—and not always for the better. It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to deliver high quality personalized care to you through our present system of healthcare. I want to work with you to deliver the best medical care possible, emphasizing wellness and prevention.

Personalized care is an innovative model that is becoming increasingly popular throughout our country. It allows me to work with you in a partnership where I can guide you to health and longevity and I encourage you to seriously consider joining this partnership for your health. I look forward to serving you in this more personalized model with the goal of making the next years of your life as exciting and fulfilling as the past.

Q: What are the Benefits of Personalized Care?

A: The Personalized Care Program includes:

  • A custom tailored wellness plan.
  • Comprehensive patient visits whenever needed, and that are on-time and unhurried.
  • Same day or next day appointments that start promptly.
  • Recommendations and/or referrals to the best specialists in your area.
  • Physician availability for your visiting friends and family.
  • State-of-the-art Electronic Health Records.
  • In-office blood draws.
  • Personalized health research and in-depth health history.
  • 24/7 availability on my personal cell phone.
  • My undivided attention.

Q: How Much does it Cost?

A: The annual cost for this program is $1,500 per patient, with discounts available for additional family members. We will be happy to care for dependent children, 25 and under, of members on the usual fee-for-service basis. When possible, we will also accommodate friends and family visiting from out of town.

Q: How do I Join?

A: Visit our office and meet with our Patient Liaison, who will explain the benefits of the program and answer any questions that you may have. Our Patient Liaison will be able to provide you with all of the documents that you need. You may also download, review, and complete the membership agreement by clicking on the “Member Agreement” link on this webpage.

Q: What happens to Patients who choose not to join?

A: If you choose not to join the program, we will ensure that you continue to receive high quality care in the practice by one of our certified nurse practitioners.