Dr. McManus’s practice is currently full and not accepting new patients.


Dr. McManus’s practice is currently full and not accepting new patients.

COVID-19 Delta variant

The surging COVID-19 Delta variant and what you need to know

Are you worried about getting sick with the rise of the COVID-19 Delta variant? You’re certainly… read more

Concerned woman being comforted

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your mental health

After a year of hunkering down, masking up, Zooming in, and going without everything from social… read more

Woman using a facial tissue

Is it COVID-19 or is it just seasonal allergies? Know the difference.

While allergies are nothing to sneeze at, COVID-19 is typically far worse. Still, they share many… read more

Two women wearing masks

After you receive a COVID-19 vaccine, what happens next?

While the past year has been filled with lockdowns and masking up, people are finally getting a… read more