AMA Conference: Acknowledging Member Anxiety
“It’s a troubling time for doctors as they gather for the annual American Medical Association meeting,” reported the Associated Press last week. As member physicians settled in Chicago, some verbalized their angst about the current precarious state of health care: “We’re all anticipating and hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.” “There’s a lot of anxiety about how our practice is going to change.” “I’m just trying to keep my practice viable and try to keep all my options open for as long as possible.”
One Chicago-based physician admitted being worried about the shortage of primary care doctors to treat the patient influx in 2014, adding that the current system devalues prevention. At SignatureMD, we are also concerned about those same issues, but stand fast in our conviction that our concierge medicine model is an answer—not only for physicians, but patients. We herald the merits of personalized medicine, an oasis in the desert of declining reimbursements, untenable patient rosters, rushed appointment times, and a general lackluster qualify of life for primary care physicians just trying to keep up.
As physicians nationwide ponder the implications of healthcare reform, SignatureMD physicians are secure in the knowledge—and the reality—that the choice they’ve made is the right choice for them and their patients.
About SignatureMD
SignatureMD is one of the nation’s largest firms providing initial conversion and ongoing support services to concierge medicine physicians. SignatureMD currently partners with over 200 affiliated primary care physicians and specialists across 35 states, and its network is rapidly expanding.