Dynamic Superfoods for a Fit Diet
The hit TV TLC series “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” features a morbidly obese mother and her overweight family in their daily life, and even focuses on what they eat and how they market for food.
The recent episode revealed just how far off the healthy diet ranch the matriarch is, concocting a horrific spaghetti sauce consisting of high fructose corn syrup based Ketchup and hydrogenated fat margarine spread in a microwaved unhealthy plastic container that only has the color red to connect it to what we know as marinara sauce.
Smart people know that good food in equals good results evident in trim, healthy people who take time to actually care about the ingredients they ingest daily. You won’t see Honey Boo Boo eating many Fitness Muscle Meals on TLC, but you might see responsible, healthy adults eating them from time to time.
As a company that specializes in concierge medicine and preventive care, SignatureMD’s blogs continuously inform you about how to stay healthy and out of the hospital. One of the easiest ways is by learning and incorporating Superfoods into a daily diet.
Superfoods help you stay slim, build bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve your eyesight, and even keep your mind sharp. They also taste amazing and can be combined in many recipes to cover all bases for a well rounded diet.
But did you know new evidence suggests these foods can also help you stay slim and lose weight? You love to eat, but you also love to feel great. You can do both if you choose foods that make you smarter, leaner, stronger—and then use them in tasty new ways.
When you mix and match our favorite picks below, you get a meal that has even more power—a breakfast good for your heart, a dinner that helps fight cancer, a treat that helps keep your stomach feeling full and your mind firing on all pistons.
SignatureMD’s favorite “Dynamic Dozen Superfood” picks that should be staples on the market list.
There’s bad fats and then there are the right fats.
Oleic acid is found in Avocado’s healthy monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), which actually quiets hunger. Stick to a quarter or a half of an avocado and marvel at how your belly fat decreases. The creamy fruit is also packed with fiber and protein. It’s amazing for glowing skin and lustrous hair too.
Lean sources of protein like salmon help you feel full without adding fat. It is chock-full of MUFAs too. A 2001 study found that dieters eating a MUFA-rich diet lost an average of 9 pounds, while their low-fat diet counterparts gained, on average, 6. Salmon is called brain food for a reason, Omega-3s feed the brain and keep your cells and help ward-off macular degeneration. Those Omega-3 fatty acids help your brain work better and improve your memory. In conjunction with Vitamins A and D, amino acids and selenium those acids also protect your nervous system from the deteriorating effects of aging. This makes salmon work as a natural anti depressant. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson diseases are two of the biggest fears facing you as you age. The consumption of salmon has been shown to lower your risk of developing those diseases. Omega-3 acids also help prevent blood clots which can lessen your chances of having strokes. Buy wild salmon over farmed.
Nuts are another superfood rich in healthy fats that help you slim down.
Almond is a source of many nutrients which help in development of the brain. Almond induces high intellectual level and has been considered as an essential food item for growing children. Almonds help you shed pounds: In one study, people who added a daily helping of the nuts to a low-cal diet lost more weight than people who followed the same diet but swapped almonds for a fat and carb-heavy snack like cheese and crackers.
Green tea
Green Tea is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Studies carried out on mice showed that green tea protected brain cells from dying and restored damaged brain cells.
Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions which is good news for those of you who like to stay on top of your oral hygiene; nothing is a replacement for regular checkups with your Dentist Citrus Heights, however. Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. It is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect and be a great benefit to tea drinkers. Tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which make them effective for treating everything from influenza to cancer. In some studies green tea has been shown to inhibit the spread of many diseases. Green tea can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging, This is because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Both animal and human studies have demonstrated that green tea applied topically can reduce sun damage.
This steamy sip hydrates like water, which can help fill you up and shed pounds. One study found that five cups a day could help you lose twice as much weight, most of it around your middle.
Another diet-friendly whole grain, quinoa is rich in hunger-fighting protein. You’ll stay full longer on fewer calories and avoid overeating at other meals. As a complex carbohydrate, quinoa acts an internal cleanser, easing the progress of food through the digestive tract. Used regularly in your diet, quinoa can help keep you free of constipation and bloating. Quinoa is gluten-free and can be enjoyed by people with digestive disorders, like celiac disease. This versatile seed can be used in breads, soups or other foods where grains are a primary ingredient, offering a steady source of colon-cleansing fiber.
The vitamin B and folate in quinoa also help the liver in its role of eliminating wastes from the body, adding to quinoa’s detoxifying properties. For vegans, people with lactose intolerance or those who are simply looking for non-dairy sources of this vital mineral, quinoa is a flavorful source of plant-derived calcium. Calcium builds and maintains bones and teeth, helps regulate the contraction of the heart, and facilitates nerve and muscle function.
One cup of cooked quinoa contains 30 milligrams of calcium. Quinoa also contains impressive quantities of potassium, magnesium and zinc, minerals that are crucial for heart, nerve and muscle function. A cup of cooked quinoa offers 15 percent of the U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance of iron, which helps to deliver oxygen to the blood, boosting energy and brain power. Quinoa’s vitamin B content can help keep the mind sharp, maintain brain volume and stabilize mood.
Best known for their anti-aging effects, blueberries, while tiny, are a powerful figure-friendly eat: A 1-cup serving sets you back only 80 calories, and helps you feel full with 4 grams of fiber. They have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit, being very rich in anti oxidants like Anthocyanin, vitamin C, B complex, vitamin E, vitamin A, copper (a very effective immune builder and anti-bacterial), selenium, zinc, iron (promotes immunity by raising haemoglobin and oxygen concentration in blood) etc. boost up your immune system and prevent infections. Once your immunity is strong, you won’t catch colds, fever, pox and all such nasty viral and bacterial communicable diseases.
One cup of broccoli bolsters the immune system with a large dose of beta-carotene. Trace minerals, such as zinc and selenium, further act to strengthen immune defense actions.
Broccoli contains glucoraphanin, which with the body processes into the anti-cancer compound sulforaphane. This compound rids the body H. pylori, a bacterium found to highly increase the risk of gastric cancer. Furthermore, broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant compound and anti-carcinogen found to not only hinder the growth of breast, cervical and prostate cancer, but also boosts liver function.
Broccoli is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Furthermore, a cup of broccoli has as much protein as a cup of rice or corn with half the calories. Cooked or raw, this cruciferous veggie is well-known for its filling fiber in less than 30 calories a serving, it’s bound to prevent weight problems too.
Brown rice
Brown rice is a heartier, fiber-packed alternative to less-than-super white rice. A half-cup serving contains 1.7 grams of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat.
Plus, brown rice is a low-energy-density food, meaning it’s heavy and filling but low in calories. One study found that women who ate a higher-energy-density diet gained three times as much weight over six years than women eating a low-energy-density diet.
The hydroxycinnamic acid found in pears is also associated with preventing stomach and lung cancer.
It’s a hypo-allergenic fruit. That means those with food sensitivities can usually eat pears with no adverse effects. Eating three or more servings of fruits a day, such as pears, may also lower your risk of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD), the primary cause of vision loss in older adults.
Quercetin is another antioxidant found in the skin of pears. It helps prevent cancer and artery damage that can lead to heart problems. A recent study at Cornell University found it may also protect against Alzheimer’s disease. So don’t peel your pears! Just one pear packs 15% of your daily recommended amount of fiber.
Resveratrol, the famed antioxidant found in grape skin, stops fat storage. Studies show that moderate wine drinkers have narrower waists and less belly fat than liquor drinkers. Downing a glass can boost your calorie burn for a good 90 minutes.
Eating a half a grapefruit before each meal may help you lose up to a pound a week!
A compound in the fruit can lower insulin, a fat-storage hormone, and that can lead to weight loss. It’s also a good source of protein, and because it’s at least 90% water, it can fill you up so you eat less.
Oats contains unique antioxidants beneficial for heart disease. A study at Tufts University shows that the unique antioxidants in oatmeal called called avenanthramides, help prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Oat also protect against heart failure. A Harvard study on 21,000 participants over 19 years showed that found that men who enjoyed a daily morning bowl of whole grain (but not refined) cereal had a 29 percent lower risk of heart failure. Enhances immune response to disease. The unique fiber in oatmeal called beta-gluten also has been shown to helps neutrophils travel to the site of an infection more quickly and it also enhances their ability to eliminate the bacteria they find there
Oats are rich in fiber, so a serving can help you feel full throughout the day. Just a half cup packs 4.6 grams of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism and burns fat.
I. http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/
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