Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Running?

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Running?

We all know that exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and for preventing certain diseases from developing, but can too much exercise cause health problems? New research suggests excessive running may actually shorten your lifespan.

Running Too Much May Shorten Lifespan

Dr. Martin Matsumura, the co-director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute at the Lehigh Valley Health Network in Allentown, PA, presented the findings at the American College of Cardiology’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C. Researchers looked at a sample of 3,800 runners with an average age of 46. 70 percent of study participants ran 20 or more miles each week.

The study looked at various factors to see if they had an effect on their findings, including the use of common anti-inflammatory painkillers, the use of aspirin, and known risk factors for cardiac problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, family history of heart disease, and smoking history.

The study found that people running long distances each week, tended to have shorter lifespans than those people running only moderate amounts, around 2-3 hours weekly. The results didn’t appear to be related to the sample group’s heart risk factors or their use of certain medications. Not to mention they definitely had more trips to places like CK Physio!

Scientists involved in the study caution that people shouldn’t stop running altogether, but should instead try to run only a moderate amount each week. They also state that more research needs to be conducted into this topic to find out when running is beneficial to health and when it may potentially cause health problems.

Tips For Including Running As Part of Your Exercise Regime

Running can be a wonderful form of exercise, but like many things, it seems that moderation is key. Here are some top, expert recommended running tips for how to safely incorporate running into your exercise regime.

Good Quality Running Shoes

Before you take up running, buy yourself a pair of good quality running shoes. A good pair of running shoes, like these Vessi waterproof shoes, will support your feet and joints and help minimize your risk of injury. You don’t want to end up having an unexpected trip to your local kansas city podiatry clinic. A sports shop or specialized shoe shop will be able to assist you in finding the perfect pair for your needs.

Start Off Gradually

As with any new exercise regime, start off gradually. Pushing yourself too hard when running can lead to serious injuries. Consult with your physician before you begin running. They can advise whether running is a suitable form of exercise, taking into account your health history and can let you know how much of it you should be doing. It’s wise to spend a few weeks walking briskly before taking up running, especially if you haven’t exercised for a while.

Stay Hydrated

Our bodies lose significant amounts of water as we exercise, which can lead to overheating and have a negative effect on performance. Before you embark on a run, make sure you are hydrated and that you have plenty of water on hand to drink during your run.

Pace Isn’t Everything

When you first begin running, make sure you are running at a pace where you can easily carry on a conversation. This is the level experts recommend maintaining when adding running to your exercise regime. It ensures you won’t push yourself too hard and minimizes the risk of injuries brought on by over-exertion.

Mix And Match With Other Exercises

Running can be hard on your joints, so make sure to mix in other low impact exercises such as yoga or swimming. Adding a variety of different exercises to your workout routine will encourage you to keep active and stop you from getting bored.


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