The Hospital “Weekend Effect”
In a recent study, which included analysis of nearly 30 million people, it was found that patients admitted to hospitals on the weekend were 10 percent more likely to die. While 10 percent may not seem like a lot, “when applied to the entire U.S. population it equals an additional tens of thousands of people each year,” study author Dr. Rocco Ricciardi of Tufts University Medical School told Reuters Health.
While it’s not entirely clear why the likelihood of death at a hospital over the weekend exceeds that of during the week, some think it’s a result of fewer staff and inaccessibility to testing and laboratory services.
One way some individuals are avoiding hospitals is by keeping their doctor on retainer – through personalized medicine, like that offered by SignatureMD. New research indicates that individuals who have a concierge doctor are less likely to go to the hospital because they have better preventive care. A personalized physician has a comprehensive knowledge of his patients, meaning he is able to create a customized, proactive wellness plan for each. Additionally, should a patient need urgent care, the doctor is there to advocate for the patient – whether that be a weekday or weekend.
About SignatureMD
SignatureMD is one of the nation’s largest firms providing initial conversion and ongoing support services to concierge medicine physicians. SignatureMD currently partners with over 200 affiliated primary care physicians and specialists across 35 states, and its network is rapidly expanding.